Today's muslim beef stew is this.
Apparently, in the U.K. airsofters are dividing teams up as terroists, and military personnel. Oh and the terrorists where shemaghs; you know that cool head wrap that every AK-47 toting, wella-wella spouting, camel fucker, wears to hide there identity because not a fucking one lives in the deep desert where it is useful.
So, quoting the lead rag head in the UK as per the Daily Mail; ...
Executive member Mokhtar Badri said: "Any sort of game that associates guns and violence with a particular culture is clearly wrong.
"They could use any other type of colour or dress to tell between teams which would not cause offence.
"Using Arab dress, especially in the current climate, is short-sighted and foolish.
"And regardless of the offence causes, young people should not be given the opportunity to play in an environment where guns are being glamourised."
This the same fucking culture that has a Mickey Mouse copy urging children, yes children, to kill infidels. What the fuck is going on in their lice infested heads?
I'll tell you what they want. Everyone else to be like them and they will kill, terrorize and whine to get it.
I'll tell you what Mokhtar ole buddy; when I stop seeing the beheadings, honor killings, rapes, and general disregard for everyone else, I may listen to your whining. Until then shut the fuck up and have a pork sandwich.